Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An unavoidable consequence of pure coincidence

Yesterday something weird happened.
I was about to roll a cigarette around 5 pm.
I knew I hadn’t any filters so decided to use any piece of cardboard to make one.
I opened my drawer and had a quick look.
On the tray of the drawer there was three cards, one from my sister and two from an old friend of mine.
I haven’t seen him for a few months, maybe three.
So I thought, I am not going to need these business cards at all, but didn’t felt like breaking one of my sister’s so I took one of his and tore a part of it.

Rolled my fag, and that was it.

One hour later, I received a call.
I was waiting to be any of the persons that usually call me; my brother, the guys from the band.. but wasn’t any of them.

It was him..

I was so happy, cause I really like him, he’s been a friend since high school and whenever we see each other we start laughing..

Then I didn’t notice, but while we were talking I remember, and told him…

- What a coincidence ! you know , I had taken one of your cards and tore it to use a bit as a filter.
He said,
- Well this must really be... I have just lost my job on that company.




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